Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Too much of nothing necessary

Years ago I wrote the following poem. Funny how all these years I have shared it with no one and now I am putting it on the Internet. I am feeling either brave or desperate...

In excess of
The extreme
Too much
Too far
Too sad
Too lonely
Too morbid
Too depressing
Too fat
Too ugly
Too short
Too pushy
Too needy
Too demanding
Never just right
Never just enough

You get the picture.

What is often so difficult for me is the reality that while there are so many areas of my life where I am "too," there are just as many where I am "less." Lately my inadequacies are screaming at me. I am so much "not enough" and it grieves me to my soul. Maybe this is why I am still single. Possibly I am too much of so many insufficiency's and not enough of many more desirable aspects. Do I even possess the qualities God is looking for in me? Maybe I am not even enough for Him to love?

This week is turning out to be quite a struggle. Everywhere I turn I am hit with another insufficiency, another area of my life where I am lacking. Either that, or I am looking in the mirror and there is too much of another thing; too much need, too much person, too much want... Possibly I should add to the list "too demanding, too emotional, too incorrigible, too impossible, too impulsive, too ..." I guess the list of over abundances could go on and on.

Trust me, I am trying not to be over dramatic here; but to simply be honest and share the day-to-day challenges that many of us face. Maybe the reason I am sharing this is because I find no fear is sharing with you my realities. I find no shame in expressing to you my real, sinful nature. This is who I am with all my heartaches, warts, fat, sarcasm, insufficiency's, poor choices, and all.

Now, what to do? Well, I am going to take my "too-ness" and my "lack-of" and curl up in bed with a book, hopefully to forget about myself, my life, and how crappy this week is turning out.

I hope each of you has a better night.
I guess the answer to the first paragraph is "desperate" not brave. Bravery is nothing I am "too" good at right now.

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