Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time to be a Leading Lady!

Ever watched "The Holiday?" What a fun movie. I love a movie that makes me laugh, touches my heart and leaves me happy at the end. That's always been my response to this flick...except today. Today it had a message for me and the more I think about it, the more I think the message is for all all single women.

"In life there are leading ladies and there are best friends. Why are you acting like a best friend when you were meant to be a leading lady?"

What a great line! What an insightful concept! What a slam to those of us (me) who spend our lives doing just's time to wake up.

I have always been the best friend, the side kick. No matter the relationship, I am the friend, the buddy, the pal, the advice giver, the shoulder, the common sense, the idea bouncer...I am the best friend. Not that this is always a horrible thing! Never! God has given me great gifts that allow me to function well in those circumstances. Recognizing those gifts has been a huge step in my life and has taken me years to realize. Each one of us needs to realize that we have God-given gifts to use in any relationship. Use those things! That is why we have been gifted in such a way!

What I am talking about here is the realization that we pigeon-hole ourselves. We forget sometimes that in the story of our own lives, we are the lead! What does that mean, exactly? Well, it's a bit complicated in my mind but let me see if I can articulate it.

First, leading ladies deserve the best. By Grace, we are awesome creatures, created in the image of our maker and adored by Him. For these simple reasons we need to begin to look at ourselves as worthy of more than "best friend" status. We deserve all the love, all the care, all the respect available to us. Not that we deserve it MORE than others, but we do deserve it! We are no less than our friends, than our spouses, than our children. We are just as important as the other people in our lives.

Secondly, realizing it is only half the battle. How many of you spend time to put on makeup in the morning? How about jewelry? How about a pedicure? These seem like small things but in the grand scheme of things, they are much bigger. About a year ago I decided that I was going to indulge myself in pedicures during the summer. I am amazed at how fun I think my toes are now and how I enjoy the fact that my feet look nice. This has transferred to my nails, my hair, my overall appearance. I am finding that if I spend the time, each day, to look my best, I tend to feel better about myself. I am doing small things to pump up my leading lady role, even if it is simply by doing things FOR me that help me feel good about myself. At some point my unconscious decided to put me in the lead role and the changes have started to happen...first with my nails, my hair, etc. and then I was eating better, exercising, reconnecting at church...

Figure out what is keeping you from being the Lead in your life. What can you do to help you take that role back? God has only given us this one life! Take it by the horns, LIVE it! Explore it! Don't sit idly by and be every ones Girl Friday, go-to girl, etc. Be the Lead!


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