Monday, January 3, 2011


Funny what makes you "think" some days. This morning I was admiring one of my Christmas gifts and some profound thoughts came with it. Here they are for your digestion...

This Christmas my sister and her kids put together a HUGE basket of goodies for me. They know I like "smelly stuff" and bath stuff so it was right up my alley. Big bars of fun soaps, lotions, and even bottles of homemade scrubs and bath additives. I love this stuff! The basket is large and beautifully arranged and it makes me feel special and loved. Not only did they spend money but they invested time in creating the handmade items and arranging the basket so nicely.

Yesterday I opened and used the first item, a VERY large bar of coconut scented triple milled soap. It's so big it almost doesn't fit in my hand! The scent is mild so I don't smell like a tropical beach but it leaves my skin nice and soft and clean. I like it a LOT!

So, what does this have to do with anything? Well, as I was chuckling at the size of the bar of soap I recalled the laughter when I opened the basket; "Are you trying to tell me something?" was my first response. The commentary from the teenagers was immediate. Yep, I stink; they want to encourage me to bathe; the soaps are extra big for my extra big odor; etc. It was humorous and lovely.

If it takes that much soap to clean the outside, the external stink, how much more did it take to clean the inside? Yeah...that was my thought when I opened that soap yesterday.

The gift's purpose was to make me happy, and to show me their love. It took time, thought, and the dedication to make it special, to make it for ME. Do you sense a "God Message" in here? I certainly did!

God's gift to me/us came in it's own kind of basket and was sent to keep us clean as well. How much greater is that gift and how much more difficult the cleaning job! When I think if the stinking, putrid mountain of sin that surrounds my life I am amazed that it can be disregarded by God. There was even a time that I could not see Grace, I was so bound up in the confession of those sins that I could not even fathom how God could forgive them. I would find myself weeping when my heart could not accept the absolution of those sins, an absolution freely given, wrapped beautifully, painstakingly created just for me.

God's "beauty basket" washes me clean every day, scrubs away the dirt and sin, and keeps me smelling wonderful, my soul moisturized and supple and ready for His work each day. And while He has fully taken care of the inside, my earthly Christmas gift takes care of the outside. my sister and her beautiful, goofy children...thank you. You have given me a daily reminder that I am loved by you and by God. That He washes me clean and makes me smell good so I can do His thing, all day long. I love you all.

To the rest of the world...I am a daily renewed, forgiven, adored child of a most awesome God. And so are you. He has washed you clean. Take a look in the mirror and see.

And a Very blessed January 3rd to all of you!

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