I have been seeing this passed around lately (again) and an email or a fb note so, taking the hint from one of my former students, I am going to use it as a blog.
30 things you may or may not know about me...
1. I am a PK (preachers kid) as well as a PS (preachers sister), a PN (preachers niece), and a TK (teachers kid).
2. Non of the above makes me any different than anyone else and I do get tired of those who expect PK's to be "different" or "worse" than any other human being.
3. Being a PK can be an awesome thing as all your life you run into people who knew that preacher and fond memories.
4. Being a PK can suck as there are expectations and, as an adult, when you begin to make choices of your own that differ from your preachers, there seems to be a whole lot more at stake than just what church you join or what car you buy...
5. I suffer from depression and while it can be mild, the verb "suffer" is quite appropriate. There are periods of time when every moment is a challenge to face.
6. I have 3 siblings. 1 adult, 1 rock star, and 1 goof-ball.
7. I have 5 nephew and 1 niece
8. I had 6 nephews but one died at 4 months...he was born just after Christmas and died just before my birthday...now those "celebrations" are shadowed.
9. In my mind I know we will all someday die and I am prepared for my own death. What I am not prepared for is my parents. In the last months I have dreamed of my fathers death and the reality scares me like nothing ever has.
10. I cannot articulate how much my students help me. They are the reason I function every day. They are the laughter, the joy, the focus...they are often my reality in a world that seems so unreal and chaotic. I have been teaching for 15 years and it is only because of them that I can continue to do so.
11. My favorite words are "cavalcade," "incorrigible," "salubrious," "specific," "ardor," "adagio," and "tranquil." Just because
12. I am truly pumped at the concept of directing Medea next fall. It has been a long time since I have been this excited about a show!!!
13. It's only #13 and I am struggling to find things...how will I get to 30?!
14. My baby brother is my hero. He is one of the best men I know; intelligent, charming, sincere, good looking, fun, caring, warm, witty, good father, good husband, handy, understanding...if he wasn't my brother he would be way to cool to hang out with me!
15. I am addicted to facebook...not because of chat or games but because of the support network it has helped me build. I am reconnected with people I never thought I would ever speak to again and it is as if the miles do not exist and we have remained neighbors, classmates, etc. all these years. I love those connections!
16. I have had more alcohol in the last 6 months than I think I have had my whole life! And I regret not a drop!
17. I was sexually assaulted this past summer. Sort of nice to be able to just toss that out there. I am fine but if I see the asshole ever again, I am going to tear his balls from his body very slowly...with a vice grip. Yeah... =)
18. I am an ABC sports fan...Any But Chicago. Honestly, I could simply care less!
19. I am a tad anxious about next year at work. The department is changing with my bosses retirement and it will be interesting to see what comes next!
20. I am sadistically looking forward to next semester and teaching 4 classes. It will make for long nights and days and lots of grading, etc. but it will keep me occupied and keep my mind from other, more dangerous pursuits.
21. I hate that I am merely tolerant of the whole Christmas thing right now. It's coming...OK. How Bah-Humbug is that!? Hopefully that will change SOON!
22. I have never had a best friend. Nope, never. Never lived in one place long enough as a kid to establish that. Bothers me now as there are times I really wish I had that one person who knew me through and through and whom I knew I could trust with EVERYTHING.
23. I read the above and wonder where God went when I wrote that? He should be the best friend... oh well, another human failing.
24. No one needs to point out my failings to me, I am VERY well aware of them and they haunt me daily.
25. I hate the clock in the kitchen. I also hate the one in my office. They TICK-TOCK like the dooms-day clock and drive me NUTS!
26. I hate it when my students are mad at me when I correct them, point out their errors in judgement, etc. I totally understand why and they get over it but I hate that I have made them feel bad about themselves and that I have been the one to bring their own shame or embarrassment down on them. It makes me sad but I love them still and they need this to grow.
27. I love the Balsam candle I have burning right now. It fills the house with the scent of a pine forest and makes me sigh...
28. My family, while made up of it's share of "dysfunctions" is probably one of the more functional families today. We don't yell and scream and fight, we laugh A LOT, when we are all together there is much joy, we enjoy each other...I am lucky.
29. My parents have been married 51.5 years and still like each other. My older brother will be 50 in May...I feel old! He doesn't look old!
30. This year (calendar) has been really hard for me. There have been many changes and challenges with more to come. With God beside me, I face it all with courage and tears, with joy and fear, with confidence and knowing where my resting place is.
I got to 30. More than you ever wanted to know, I am sure. If you got this far, you deserve a cookie!!! Anything else you wanna know? Ask away!!!
Let's begin with something you now know about me... I read your blog, regularly... And I don't really read blogs. I enjoy you writing.
ReplyDelete1. I am a PK, a PKK also known as PGK (preacher's kid's kid or preacher's grandkid). I also am a P although that's not what I am doing right now.
5. Me too, I have since I was 7. I feel your pain.
10. It works the other way around too. You are one of those rare people that makes people find a reason to drop by your office.
12. Media (my iPad doesn't let me italicize) sounds awesome! Have lots of fun! Lisa is directing at her school, and I get to help, but Lisa is getting her first opportunity to direct with our community theater this summer. (also after three years of hogging it, I am finally letting her manage lights this year).
15. My name is Jordan, and I am also a Facebook addict.
16. Come to Austin and I have some homebrew with your name on it (also a free place to crash if you want a vacation).
17. I am so sorry to hear that, but very glad that you can talk about it.
19. Is Doc retiring?
20. I am going to try to earn an on-the-fly teaching certificate next year.
28. Sounds a lot like my family.
29. I felt old when i was 23, but that is what being a youth minister at that age will do to you. You feel like you're not that far removed from high school, but they don't get any of your references or lingo.
30. I am glad I am not the only one who specifies calendar years because I normally think in school years.
Oi, I can't believe I dropped the r from your in my very first section, perhaps after I had gotten going and careless.