Came home from work tonight knowing I wanted to blog. Been thinking about this all night and the reality is...I have nothing to say.
It has not been the greatest of weeks. It has had it's high points, though not very high, I will admit. And, it has had it's low moments...lower than I care to recognize, actually. All in all it has been an un-enjoyable trip on the roller coaster of life and I am in desperate need of Dramamine! :)
I am continually reminded of something a friend of mine has tattooed on her wrist. She has "I will not let go!" It was, at first, a quote from the book of Ruth when Ruth said to Miriam, 'I will not let go...your God will be my God..." etc. Then our campus pastor preached on that passage and reminded us that God is rather like Ruth in that passage. God says to us "I will not let go!" No matter what we do, God does to let go of us. (Thanks Good-Friday-Cotton-Candy-Movie-Phone-Morning-Prayer-Girl!
As the roller coasters hit; as I am continuously disappointed by students, friends, family; as I continuously fail myself and God; as the storms hit and I am dashed against the rocks of shame, anger, fear, frustration, and hopelessness...God never lets go. No matter how how high the waves and how overwhelming the grief, loneliness, and tears...they have not drowned me as God has never let go and keeps hauling me back into the boat.
So, while I am rather nauseous from the storm tossed weeks. I will, at some point in the future, reach a shore and be welcomed to dry and calm land. At least that is what I imagine will happen at some time...since seas cannot be stormy forever, can they? Let us hope not!
So, I guess I had something to say anyway!
originally a quote from jacob wrestling with God recently reapplied to ruth. but it's all same message. i have a sharpie pen if you want to write it on your own wrist. ;)